RFA is a longer lasting procedure also intended to address facet joint pain.  This procedure uses radio waves locally transmitted through the soft tissue adjacent to the spine to stop sensory nerves associated with the joints from transmitting pain signals to the brain.  Medium frequency alternating current is used to generate heat at the needle tip, carefully placed in a safe location to affect the facet joint sensory nerves without causing additional damage.  Although not permanent, the results of the procedure allow for relief from facet joint pain for 9–16 months on average, at which time the procedure can be repeated for consistent and durable results.

To qualify for RFA, temporary numbing anesthetic injections called medial branch blocks (MBB) are performed to confirm a patient experiences relief from neck or back pain when the facet joints have been silenced.  Once it is confirmed the facet joints are the source of spinal pain, RFA is recommended and performed for long lasting relief.